This study investigated the role of the media in eliminating discrimination against women in Nigeria. Discrimination against women is practiced in almost all developing countries and this has attracted the interest of the media, women, organizations, non-governmental organizations and international organizations that have been campaigning against the discriminatory practices. The media were perceived to have an important role to play in the campaigns since they have the ability to reach many people simultaneously and are very effective in changing the attitudes, opinions and behaviours of the people. The indispensable role of the media in fighting this course prompted this research into the role of the media in eliminating discrimination against women. In the course of this study, several books, journals and articles were consulted and duly documented to give insight to the research problem. The study surveyed Edo State with special attention on Ekpoma and Irrua towns. The choice of this sample is based on the fact that it is located at the centre of the south-south zone, which was the focus of the research. Both the educated and uneducated adults were chosen in the sample because they can attach reasons to their decisions. From the study, it cannot be out rightly said that the media is effective because there is no significant margin between those who opted for the effectiveness of the media and those who stated otherwise. This may be as a result of the problems faced by the media in fighting this course as stated by the public. The public therefore suggested that the media should intensify their reports on discrimination against women and also devote more airtime and space to those reports. Based on the results, we therefore recommended that the media should put in more efforts in fighting this course so that when next researchers would be conducted on this topic, they would be very effective.
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