The study investigated influence of personal variables on knowledge and practice of family planning methods among married women of reproductive ages in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. The population of the study covered 3,036 married women within the reproductive age in this study area. A sample of 300 married women involving: market women, civil servants, teachers, female local farmers, women in religious worship centres, women at the family planning unit, the post-natal and ante-natal unit of Hospitals and Health care centres were covered in this study. The instrument used for the collection of data was a questionnaire titled: Family Planning and Practices Questionnaire (FAPQ). The face and content validity was employed in this study. The split-half reliability method was adopted for this study. The t-test for two independent means was used to test the hypotheses. All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results obtained from the analyses showed that age has no influence on knowledge and practice of family planning methods among married women in the local governement. However, educational status was found to be significant a predictor of knowledge and practice of family planning methods among married women in the local government. It was recommended that health practitioners have a role to play in ensuring women of reproductive age have good knowledge on the use of coils, sterilization, rings and intra-uterine device (IUDs) among other family planning methods in Edo State. This could be achieved by ensuring marriage partners are encouraged to register for family planning at any public or private health care centre, hospital or maternity home close to their locality.
Table of Contents
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Research Questions
Research Hypotheses
Purpose of the Study
Scope of the Study
Significance of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Conceptual Issues
Knowledge of Family Planning Methods among Women
Family Planning Methods Practiced among Women
Influence of Age on Knowledge and Practice of Family Planning Methods among Women
Influence of Educational Status on Knowledge and Practice of Family Planning Methods among Women
Summary of Reviewed Literature
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