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Influence Of Teachers’ Characteristics On Pre-School Children’s Readiness For Primary Education

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The study examined the influence of teachers’ characteristics on pre-primary school pupils’ readiness for primary level of education in Edo State. Specifically, the study was undertaken to investigate the influence of teachers’ educational qualifications, teachers’ years of teaching experience, teachers’ age, teachers’ sex, teachers’ marital status on pre-primary school pupils’ readiness for primary school education in Edo State. Five research questions and five hypotheses were answered and tested in the study. The study was hinged on the Contexts, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model.

This study adopted the ex-post facto research design. The population of the study consists of all the six hundred and fifty six (656) pre-primary schools, ten thousand two hundred and twenty eight (10,228) teachers and forty six thousand and fifty three (46,053) pre-primary school pupils in 2016/2017 academic session in the three Senatorial districts in Edo State. A sample size of forty-eight (48) pre-primary schools, one hundred and two (102) teachers and nine hundred and sixty (960) pre-primary school pupils in KG3 was drawn from the population. The purposive sampling technique was adopted to draw a total of three schools from each local government area and twenty pupils from each of the schools. Three instruments were used for the collection of data in the study. The first was a checklist developed by the researcher and titled: Teachers’ Demographic Checklist (TEDEC), the second was an adapted inventory titled: Learning Readiness Inventory which was developed by Rimm-Kaufman (2017), while the third titled Social Emotional School Readiness (SESR) was developed by Bustin (2007). The researcher accompanied by two trained research assistants administered the checklist (TEDEC) and inventory to teachers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in this study. For descriptive statistics, means and standard deviations (S.D) were used to analyse Research Questions 1 to 5 while the t-test for two independent sample means were used to test the hypotheses of the study. The entire hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

The result showed that teachers’ educational qualification, years of teaching experience and age are personal attributes or characteristics of a teacher that promote readiness of pre-primary school pupils for primary education in Edo State (p<0.05). Sex and marital status had no influence on readiness of pre-primary school pupils for primary education in Edo State (p<0.05). It was recommended among others that teachers with less than a Nigeria Certificate on Education (NCE) such as (SSCE/TC II) should strive to improve their skills and teaching values by taking further studies that would promote their teaching quality.

Table of Contents


Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms

Conceptual Model: Contexts, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model
Concept of Early Childhood
Teachers’ Educational Qualification and Learners’ Readiness
Teachers’ Years of Experience and Learners’ Readiness
Teachers’ Age and Learners’ Readiness
Teachers’ Sex and Learners’ Readiness
Teachers’ Marital Status and Learners Readiness
Summary of Reviewed Literature

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