The study examined fire hazards in residential buildings in Edo State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to examine the common fire hazards, personal fire safety tips and personal and environmental safety practices in residential buildings in Edo State. The descriptive research design using the survey method was adopted in the study. Both primary and secondary sources were used. Data collected from primary data were obtained. Both primary and secondary sources were used. Data collected from primary sources were obtained with questionnaires while the data collected with secondary sources were collected from textbooks, journals, internet sources and reports. The major instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. The study population covered all the landowners and tenants in Ekpoma, Edo State. The multi-stage sampling technique was employed in the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, and percentages (%) were used to analyse the research questions while the test of hypothesis was carried out using the Chi-square (X2) statistical procedure. Data collected were analysed with frequency count and percentages (%) while the hypotheses were tested with Chi-square (X2) statistical technique. It was concluded based on findings that the naked flames such as gas open flame equipment, electrical, gas, oil- fired heaters (fixed or portable), cooking and lighting equipment, deliberate fire raising, faulty or unused electrical equipment are the common fire hazards in residential buildings in Edo State. It was recommended that Funds and resources must be directed towards plans and strategies to prevent a fire outbreak disaster rather than relief as this will ensure sustainable development. To this end, there should be an increased and sustained funding of the residential fire service.
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