This study investigated the dimension of academic dishonesty among students in Nigeria higher institutions. The survey design was considered appropriately became the variables of the study was not manipulated. The population of this covered all the 27,388 regular undergraduate students in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma was drawn. A sample size of 536 students would be selected for the study. The research instrument was used for the collection of data was designed by the researcher. The validity of this instrument was carried out by the project supervisor and two experts in Measurement and Evaluations in the Faculty of Education of Ambrose Alli University. Mean (X) and Standard Deviation (S.D) was used to analyse the research questions. The t-test statistical technique would be used to analyze the research hypotheses of the study. The result showed that academic dishonesty between a lecturer and at least one student, academic dishonesty between a student (an exam candidate) and another student and academic dishonesty carried out by a student only are the types of academic dishonesty perpetrated among undergraduates in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. The result also showed that impersonation, the use of electronic gadgets like phones during examination, inscription of answers on ones palms, thighs and so on and the smuggling of answer scripts in examination halls are some of the dimensions of academic dishonesty are perpetrated among undergraduates in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. The result further showed that there is a significant difference on the dimensions of malpractice they indulge in during examinations in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma according to their gender, study level and place of residence. It was recommended that through these networking of activities it is believed that the student, teachers, parents, guardians and other relevant stakeholders will imbibe examination ethics so as to have wholesome perceptions of the ills of academic dishonesty. Thus, it is anticipated that when these interventions are fully applied, they will facilitate positive behaviour towards studying and taking examination, which would on the long run reduce, if not eliminate academic dishonesty.
Table of Contents
Cover page
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Concept of Academic dishonesty
Types of Academic dishonesty among Students
Dimensions of Academic dishonesty Perpetrated among Students
Gender differences in the Dimensions of Academic dishonesty
Study level on the Dimensions of Malpractice
Place of Residence on the Dimensions of Malpractice
Summary of Literature Review
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