Yes! Essay writing services are completely legal.
Reason #1: Every credible essay writing service company like NATisolusions; will always include terms of service on its website.
Terms of use outlines the conditions that clients have to agree to before using a product or service. So when students hire contractors – writers from essay writing services, they must consent to the sites’ disclaimers. Still, the jury is out on whether all customers abide by this. A typical disclaimer would insist that the papers a service produces are for research or reference purposes only. They absolve the company from any claims of plagiarism or dishonesty. That is how essay writing business works. It is thus up to the students who buy such products to use them ethically. That may include using the papers as a basis for their term papers or final exams. They can however submit them as their original work without even changing a word.
Reason #2: Trustworthy paper writing services like NATisolusions, just fulfill requests from their clients.
Trustworthy essay writing services do not claim to act as a stand-in for the student. The only work of every legit essay writing service like us is to provide material(s) that helps customers to understand their coursework. This help is especially useful for people who have to cope with several responsibilities such as heavy workload, domestic and family attention and even health concerns among others. It is not surprising to find students holding part-time jobs so that they can cope with the high college fees. Others are even married and need to create time for their families as well as schoolwork.
Reason #3: Most essay writing services do transfer ownership of their papers and assignments to the buyers.
True, paying someone else to work on your paper could be a form of plagiarism simply because the writing service company retains the intellectual right to the written document – assignment, thesis, dissertation and any other document. However, one of the terms of service for essay writing companies including NATisolusions is that PAYING THE AGREMENT WRITING FEE, TRANSFERS FULL OWNERSHIP OF THEIR PAPER TO THE CUSTOMER, therefore it is ethically acceptable. This can be likened to paying a lawyer (attorney) to write a legal document for you.
Reason #4: Most essay writing services are consistent with the law.
Even in countries like the UK, where many academic institutions continue banning students from hiring essay writing services, there are no existing national laws that makes consulting this companies for writing services, illegal. In short, essay writing services – NATisolusions inclusive, work in consistency with the laws of the country’s jurisdiction.
Whatever opinions other people may have, the legality of essay writing services is not in question. For one, essay writing services mainly exist to provide model papers to help students improve their own writing skills. Papers made by essay writing services also serve to provide pointers solely for researches. The logic here is quite simple. Essentially, the argument against essay writing services is more of an ethical nature. It is not illegal to use a custom paper in order to improve one’s academic performance. While other schools and universities have a strict code of conduct against using them, the level of offense is not high enough to merit a criminal act.
In summary, here is a list of misconceptions showing what people assume essay writing services do in comparison to reality.
Misconception #1: They help students to cheat.
Reality: They only supplement the research efforts of their clients. They give pointers to what students should look into to get a better grasp of subject matter.
Misconception #2: They water down academic ethics.
Reality: In fact, they give their customers strict conditions that are meant to help them appreciate honesty and originality.
Misconception #3: They make students lazy.
Reality: They can’t substitute the hard work that students must put in to succeed in their coursework. They may help, yes, but it is up to the client to do the bulk of the studying.
It goes without a doubt that essay writing services of NATisolusions & Services are legal and legitimate. They are legal in a sense that the company is registered and work in accordance with existing national laws. They are also a legitimate firm because their services exist mainly to serve as a learning aid or guide for improving a student’s writing skills or academic performance.
NATisolusions & Services is a registered business name and company. We are a reliable custom paper writing Service Company that operates according to strict terms and policies. Therefore, we stand in as a platform to trust when faced with difficulties with your essay or any other academic assignment.
As the final decision depends on your instructor (including your relationship with them, their awareness about your academic performance, writing style, etc.), we cannot give you guarantees of a specific grade. What we do guarantee is that our essay writer will ‘expertly’ complete the work in full compliance with the instructions and guidelines provided for the task.
We have a specially designed loyalty program for our returning customers. In case you are a new user of our website, do not hesitate to contact us. Our support representatives will share detailed information on our discount policy with you.
There are only a few essential piece of personal information we require from you. These information includes:
First name e.g John or Mary
Institution of study, e.g Salford University, Manchester or University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria
Academic level/Study programme/specialisation: M.Sc Economics/Development Economics or PhD Education Measurement and Evaluation etc
These personal details along with your phone number and/or email address are only needed to help us keep personal details of our clients and properly stay guided on what is needed to in relation to your academic study programme or area of specialization. Hence, none of our essay writers gets any of your data for any other personal use, so you can stay assured there will be no leaks.